24hr Support Line - (403) 970-TECH (8324)

Innovative & Technical solutions for the hospitality industry - Calgary, Alberta

Innovative & Technical solutions for the hospitality industry - Calgary, Alberta

Network Infrastructure & Communication 

All a full service technology company we offer everything technical, here are some basic network and communication services we offer.

Wireless Networks

With a custom Wi-Fi network from BarTech, give your customers fast and secure wireless access, keeping them in your establishment longer and increasing your average guest check.
Networks are fully customisable with options like timed access, data limit, or the requirement to submit an email address, phone number or social media login (e.g. Facebook). This give
you the ability to create a marketing database to send out future promotions/features/coupons etc.

Directly drive traffic to your website or social pages upon login giving you the opportunity to promote specials or upcoming events. We utilize the latest technology with enhanced security and both 2.4G and 5G. Networks can also be split to allow more secure and dedicated access to key employees. Easily spread multiple units across multiple floors or large rooms for seamless access

Infrastructure & Cabling

Have BarTech check out your current network situation, we will make sure that all your cables are functioning properly and your internet speed is performing to the max speed that you are paying for. We can help with bandwidth issues or devices that drop or have performance issues

Have a new network device you need wired or want an existing device moved to a move convenient location? Maybe your existing wiring situation looks like a birds nest? We are experts at running new cables and cleaning up existing ones.



Custom Email hosting - Allow us to create custom branded email addresses using your existing domain name or a new one we can create. Give yourself and your employees their own unique email address, we can even set up scheduling or communication tools that allow you to share updates, reports and files with your team. Plans starting at just $40 per year

Digital Phones - Allow us to assist you with setting up a digital phone system that's customizable and work for you. Do you get multiple calls every day asking things like "What time do you close" or "What's your specials". With the latest in digital assistants we can build you an auto-answer phone system that allows your customers to get either the information they want on a pre recorded line or forwarded to the right person, allowing your staff to focus more on your customers in the building. 

